Sunday, September 15, 2013

Purposed Lineup

The purposed lineup for our first issue will be:
     Steam install guide(on multiple distros!)
     Ittle Dew
     The influence of the Humble Bundle
     Ins and outs of Android gaming
     Final Fantasy Crystal Defenders
     Nvidia Shield
Some of these are oldies-but-goodies, and all are player favorites.  We want to start out strong, so all are getting detailed attention, and hopefully strong support from our readers.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Misleading Name

So, this is going to be my first attempt to write monthly periodical, so calling it Linux Gamer Monthly may be misleading.  As he first few issues will be produced by me, it may start off as more of a bi-monthly eMag.  I am working on finding enough people that game on Linux regularly to fill in other positions, but please bear with me, this might have to be a slow start.